How to get Android Marshmallow on your device without updating

Hello to all my friends.

After the last trick we shared How to share zip, pdf, apk, rar files on whatsapp . We are back with a new and awesome trick. Well I will not call ut as a big trick as it is just a simple method based on  How to update your phone to marshamallow even your phone doesnt have update. 

Android Marshmallow

Google launched its new Android OS 6.0 known as Marshmallow. Its just a loving OS.
Its gives us many new features which the older android OS versions doesn't give. It akso enhances phone's UI. There are many new features for which you would want to update your phone. Well I will not talk here more of marshmallow's new features as we have already written a post on it. Don't forget to read it and after reading you will not control yourself without updating your phone
Whatsapp DP

But the problem here arises is the new coming phones are lased with the newer version but what about older phones. There are some companies which give the update quick but there are some which are lasy for giving the update. And those who don't get update can't get the newer version.
But now you do not need to worry for it as today I am going to tell you How to update your phone to marshamallow even your phone doesnt have update. 

Well I will not say here that this method will update your phone conpletely.  But it will give you the look of Android Marshmallow. This is just a simple method. Please note that the second method only guves you looks of Marshmallow.
So lets start.

How to get Android Marshmallow on your phone without updating. 

There are two ways by which you can do this. 
1. The first method which will give you completely Android Marshmallow is to root your phone. After rooting you will be able to get access to all things of your phone and can upgrade it to any version. For how to root your phone read our article -How to root your phone without connecting to pc.

2. The second method is that you can get the looks of Marshmallow. As I have already told you that it is not a trick its just a simple method. This will not update your phone it will give you only looks of Marshmallow and feeling that you have new version of Android.
Below is the step by step guide :

There are 2 choices for you to get the Marshmallow look. There are 2 which I would prefer, you can get these from play store, these are: Google Now Launcher and M Launcher. 
Google Now Launcher is of 15 mb.

M Launcher is of 5mb.

The app which I will prefer is Google Now Launcher. It is the official app and will give you better experience.

Step 2
Go to play store download and install app which you would prefer from above two apps

Step 3
After installing the app open it, if your google app is outdated it will ask for update. Click on update and update your Google app and then open app

Step 4
After opening click on Home key, then you will get two options:
Google Now L
auncher or M Launcher(which you download and I am taking here Google Now Launcher).
Click on Google Now Launcher. And click on "Always".

Step 5
After choosing always, it will ask you for confimation, click on continue and then on get started. Done!!!

What you will see next is your phone is changed in Marshmallow OS.
You will get looking of new version.
Below are screenshots

Final Words
So friends this is our new trick. This is working finely. If you still have any problem, feel free to comment. 
Stay tuned


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